Saturday, June 13, 2009

The highs and lows of life

Today was such a beautiful day, and Jake had the day off so we went to Turtle River State Park for the day. Well I guess I should first start off with the terrible night we had. Agghhh! Just when I thought it might be fun to have a new born again, I am slapped in the face! Quite hard too! To some unknown reason, Adeline has been going through this weird phase lately. It starts when we put her down for the night, she goes down fine--no problems. When we are stirred awake in the still of the night by some crying as if someone is going to be murdered. I run into Addie's room where she is just hysterical. I calm her down, place her in her crib, sing her a song or two and she goes back to problems...or so I thought. Just as I am about to fall asleep, she starts wailing at the tip top of her lungs. So, this has become a ritual where she does it like 5 times during a single night!! I didn't know it was possible to function and be sane with such little sleep. Then again,, maybe I'm not so sane at the moment. So, my plea is to all mothers out there! HELP! What the heck is going on with my daughter? What am I to do?

Ok, so now on to the better portion of my story! we went to Turtle River to fish and play! We even bought Addie a little Dora fishing pole which she thought was the coolest thing ever! It had little pink bobbers and even a little purple fish for bait! We heard that the dam was the place to go to fish. THat may have been the case had their not been a million people there splashing around and scaring all our fish away! But we did have fun, and Addie freaked out about everything! I caught the only fish, as usual! Just kidding! It was so small, hardly worth mentioning really! But it was fun to see Adeline fascinated by the fish.....or at least as long as she didn't have to touch it! We played in the water and saw a couple of frogs....those were probably Adeline's favs of the day!
But here is the creepy horror movie part of this day trip! It was RAINING CATERPILLARS! I am not exagerrating in the least bit when I say RAINING! It seemed they were just falling from the sky as rain drops, but really just from every single inch on every tree there! It was gross, they were falling all over us, our car, the road! Yuck! When this happened, Adeline decided she had had enough and wanted to get the heck out of dodge!
Lets hope for a better night tonight, if not-church will have to wait another week! So long!


Julie said...

I'm sorry that Addie is being so crazy lately. I don't have any advice. I just wanted to lend some support. Just remember: this too shall pass (Hopefully sooner rather than later).

Hopefully someone else can offer some advice as to how to help her sleep through the night again.

Megan said...

My first thought is that she is having night terrors. I have a nephew that acts a lot like that. Sometimes my sister has to go outside to calm him down. Anyway, I think you are doing a great job as a mom, and wish you luck!